Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for my family. We are leaving for Chicago! I am very, excited! I haven't been to Chicago since 2009, and I am looking forward to it. We are staying at an Apartment right across the street from the Water Tower Place, which is where American Girl is. And yes, I am getting a doll.

I still haven't decided which one. At first, it was McKenna, then I changed my mind to a My American Girl. Now I'm looking a Marie-Grace. To tell you the truth, I have no idea which one I am going to pick. But I promise that I will let you all know who I get, once I get her.

Well, I really can't write much more. We are leaving early in the morning, and I still have to help my mom finish packing and cleaning. So...bye!

Pray that we have safe driving!!

Thank you! ~Sam

1 comment:

Kellee said...

How exciting! I hope you're having a great time!! Can't wait to see which doll you pick out! :)