Saturday, July 28, 2012

Birthday Giveaway is Here!! (Please Read)

Okay guys!!!

Today is the day!!

My blog's 3rd birthday!!!!

Today, 3 years ago, I was on my email, when something popped up on my screen suggesting me to Blogger. I wasn't sure what it was, so my brother and I looked into it. That's when I saw how cool blogs were. It was like a journal online, where anyone can read, or comment, or follow you!
I went to ask my mom if I could make one. And after thinking about it, she came back and said yes! 

I spent hours making my blog look perfect. And I believe the first day I had this blog, I posted about 3 times. I am actually surprised that I have kept it up this long. I know it will be a lot of fun to be able to look back in a few years to see all that I have done since my first post on July 28th, 2009.

Anyway, it's time to get on with the Giveaway! Yesterday, I mentioned it was worth $25.00, and that it was the biggest giveaway I had ever had on here! You might have guessed what it was, but if you haven't, here it is!!

I am going to give away...

The McKenna Shoots for the Stars Blu-Ray movie!!!

Don't have a Blu-Ray? Don't worry. This copy also comes with a DVD, along with a Digital Copy, so you can watch the movie on your ipod. It also comes with a $10.00 off American Girl coupon! So, this is a pretty good deal. Plus, it can be yours for free!

When my friend Quinlyn had a giveaway a few months ago, she used this program called RaffleCopter. I looked into it, and found that I really like it! So that is how this giveaway is going to work...

Here are the rules...

If you want to enter at all, you MUST follow my blog. If you already do, then you have nothing to worry about. :) If you don't, go over to the right hand side of the screen, and find the "Join this site" button.

It looks like this...

And once you are on the list of followers, you are now able to enter the giveaway!

Once you are a follower of my blog, you can enter several other ways to get your name in the drawing more times.

The second way to enter, is to answer a question. "Who is your favorite Girl of the Year Character?" If you answer that, your name will be put in the drawing again.

You can enter by tweeting about the giveaway! 

And you can enter 2 more times if you write a blog post about the giveaway on your blog!

But all the information is in the page at the top of the screen titled, "3rd Birthday Giveaway" That's where you can sign up!

Just make sure you give me your email, so I can contact you if you win!

The Giveaway ends August 10th, so hurry and sign up!

Anyway, thank you all for reading! 
Good luck to everyone who enters!!



Hannah said...

I would love to enter! I follow!


Hannah said...

My favorite Girl of the Year character is Chrissa!


Claire said...

I follow:)

Claire said...

My favorite goty is Chrissa

Sophie Amélie Moreau said...

I am following you! Thank you for having this giveaway! :)

Sophie Amélie Moreau said...

My favorite GOTY is Marisol who looks just like one of my best friends (Chiara). ;)

Liz said...

Hi Sammy! I would love to enter!! My mom now follows your blog, hers is A Knitters Notebook. :)



Liz said...

Hi Sammy, Liz again. ;)

My favorite GOTY has to be Mia, because she is my first and only Girl of the Year. Plus, she's just so cute!


Hannah said...

I'd love to enter this great giveaway. I found your blog a few years ago through my friend and enjoy reading it. :) I've really been wanting to see the movie. :)
Thanks for having this giveaway.


Asmita said...

Really a cool blog,followed u! Please follow me back at: I really need followers,I can't join the giveaway as I don't stay in United States!

Hannah said...

My favorite girl of the year is Kanani. :)

Unknown said...

I would like to enter :)
I followed.

Lauren Michelle said...

My favorite GOTY was Kanani :)

Gracie said...

I would like to enter please!!!
I follow ya!
My favorite girl of the year was Nicki!!!! : )


Amy Nicholas said...

Love to enter